5 natural remedies to remove upper lip darkness at home

Several women struggle with issues of darkened upper lips, often covering it up with makeup. While this provides a temporary solution, it’s a common concern, especially for those with deeper skin tones, leading to a lack of confidence. The good news is that there are practical, permanent solutions available. Let’s delves into scientifically-backed methods to address hyperpigmentation around the upper lip and offers natural ways to manage it effectively.
Sugar and lemon scrub
Sugar is known to be a great natural exfoliator, having amazing antioxidant properties that help in removing dead skin. You simply need to take a slice of lemon and dip it into a bowl of sugar. Rub it gently over your upper lips every day for five minutes and notice the change in a few weeks.
Potato juice
A well-known home remedy for dark lip treatment, potato juice contains high amounts of vitamins A, B, and C. Potato juice also treats dark patches but at the same time reduces the pigmentation caused as well. Simply extract some fresh potato juice and apply it on your upper lip using a cotton ball. Follow this process every day before going to bed and see the change in a minimum of five weeks.

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Beetroot juice
Brimming with bleaching properties, beetroot juice treats pigmentation and lightens the dark spots. Apply some fresh beetroot juice on your lips before going to bed and wake up to getting supple, plump, rosy lips. Follow this every day, and notice the lightening effect on the upper lips naturally in a month.
Orange peel
Rich in vitamin C, oranges have natural skin-lightening properties. You can combine the orange peel powder with curd and apply this paste on the affected area, which would lighten the upper dark lips. Practice this remedy twice a week and notice the change in a mere three weeks.

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Turmeric mask
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric blended with lemon, which is a bleaching agent, and some tomato juice as an astringent work marvellously on dark upper lips. Simply mix one tablespoon of tomato juice with one tablespoon of lemon juice and add a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply this paste to the affected area and then leave it for 15 minutes. Religiously follow this three times a week and see the result.
Source: times of india