Myth or reality: Does mixing egg with oil boost hair growth?

Eggs are rich in proteins, vitamins, and acids that are common and widely believed to boost hair health.Among these components are proteins, necessary for the growth of hair, taking into consideration the fact that hair is mainly made up of protein, keratin. Eggs contain biotin, also referred to as Vitamin B7, known to boost hair strength and development, and the yolk has fatty acids and vitamins A and D to nourish the scalp.
Oils for hair treatment vary, but those in common use include coconut oil, which is noted for its moisturizing properties and its ability to penetrate the hair shaft, reducing protein loss; olive oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins E and K; it is believed to help keep the scalp healthy and to condition the hair, while argan oil is highly packed with fatty acids and Vitamin E that may hydrate and soften hair, enhancing elasticity.
The proponents of an egg-oil mixture boast that mixing these products can bring about massive improvement in hair health. For them, a mix of egg and oil delivers a wide range of nutrients that can have an overall effect on hair health and growth. Oils are believed to moisturize the scalp and reduce dryness, while eggs offer proteins which may strengthen hair follicles. Continuous application of this cocktail would lead to an improvement in hair texture, making it shinier and less prone to breakage.

While eggs and oils are the powerhouse of nutrition, the real question is whether topical application makes a difference in hair growth. There is scarce scientific evidence to prove that the topical application of egg and oil to the scalp has several advantages. However, proteins in eggs do form a part of hair. While proteins can help to repair damaged hair, it is less clear what their direct effect on growth is when they are applied topically. The shaft of the hair is made up of keratin, a type of protein which is fairly impenetrable from the outside.
Oils keep the moisture and avoid over-drying of hair, which in turn reduces breakage. According to various scientific data, coconut oil reduces protein loss in hair, and this may promote hair health and appearance. Healthy scalp conditions are the foundation for healthy hair growth. Some oils can improve scalp conditions by reducing dryness or flakiness and will help in better nutrient absorption, thus aiding indirectly in hair growth.
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Many users who use the egg and oil mixtures claim very positive results from these cocktails. The anecdotes nearly always mention improved hair texture, reduced breakage, and many believe that with continued use, their hair grows faster. This is more likely due to improved healthiness of the hair rather than a direct effect on growth.
Some things to consider: potential allergic reactions to eggs or oils. Always perform a patch test before starting any new treatment that you are putting in your hair or on your scalp. It can also be frustrating to get mixtures that include eggs out of your hair completely; if you don’t rinse the ingredients out well, odors or residues can remain. Ensure you wash well enough. In application, even though topical treatments can promote one’s hair health, they are no substitute for a nutritious diet complete with hair-growing nutrients from within the body. In some instances, when one has chronic hair problems or huge losses, the help of a dermatologist or that of a trichologist is indicated. They will offer advice on what to do and how it should be done according to each one’s needs.
The application of egg with oil on the hair has its roots in beauticians, offering a whole set of nutrients that are good for healthy hair. While there is some scientific basis for moisturizing and strengthening, the actual facts about their direct impact on hair growth remain unproven. This mixture will more likely improve hair texture and reduce breakage rather than drastically enhance growth. Ultimately, although it might be beneficial for your hair, an egg-oil mixture should be seen as but one ingredient in a holistic manner of hair care that includes diet, proper hair care, and consultation with health professionals when and if necessary.
Source: times of india