Fashion & BeautyMakeup

Try this COLLAGEN drink and improve your skin’s elasticity in a week

The production of collagen in our body is highly important as it is the most abundant protein present in our body. Accounting for around 30% of our body’s total protein, collagen is the main building block of our muscles, ligaments, skin, and other connecting tissues. It is also present in our blood vessels, organs, and intestinal, but it mainly keeps the elasticity of our body intact, delaying the process of premature aging.
The type IV is mainly found in the layers of your skin.A decrease in collagen level in our skin’s layer would result in fine lines, saggy skin, and wrinkles. But do not worry as according to a recent study, the combination of collagen and elastin peptides in a drink can improve skin elasticity, and hydration and would thus keep you away from wrinkles.

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A decrease in collagen production can be triggered by oxidative stress, inflammation, and also from shifts in enzyme activity, but the consumption of collagen and elastin peptides together as a dietary supplement can be safe and would improve the production of collagen under your skin.
What happens to collagen as we age?
Our body starts producing collagen at a slow rate with the existing collagen breaking down at a faster rate. This collagen is also lower in quality when you’re younger with women mainly experiencing huge reduction during pregnancy and after menopause. After the age of 60, collagen production declines at a staggering rate and you can look up to the signs of having weakened muscles, saggy or wrinkled skin, joint damage, and problems in blood flow.

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Which lifestyle habits damage collagen?
Smoking: Smoking decreases the production of collagen and damages the construction of elastin leading to wrinkles and slow wound healing, as nicotine constricts blood vessels around your skin’s surface, preventing it from delivering nutrients and oxygen.
UV Rays: Too much exposure to sunlight also leads to the breakage of collagen protein at a rapid rate. UV rays also cause wrinkles, therefore never forget to wear your sunscreen when you step outside.
Consuming an excess amount of sugar: Sugar has proteins to form glycation end products which damage the nearby proteins present making the collagen protein dry, weak, and brittle.

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Collagen thus plays an important role in providing strength, structure, and support to our skin and body. The benefits of collagen might be more hyped but it is required and important. The production of collagen can also be increased via the consumption of a healthy diet and by taking the magical combination of collagen and elastin peptides as a drink.

Source: times of india

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